Monday, September 19, 2011

Hello World!!!

Photo courtesy of Sandbox Threads
Mom and I have wanted to blog our experience for some time now. The problem is, the T-Shirt on the left rings all too true...we're utterly exhausted! Over the last week, Ninja has had one allergic reaction after the other, causing him much discomfort, and us little sleep/patience/recourse/help/understanding/hope. The good news is that we won the lottery last week!!! Okay, so not really, but we did get the results to his allergy test. Any parent who has a child with allergies knows, sometimes the worst part is not knowing. So what is he allergic to? Dairy, wheat, soy, egg whites, peanuts, pecans, oranges and dust mites. And you think you're wondering what we are going to eat! Yes, I said we...did I mention I am still breastfeeding? That means his diet is my diet. No problem though, I hear there are many different ways to eat grass.

Both being writers, we've been way too tired to write. We talk often about how we only wished we had journaled our entire experience, from the pregnancy with vasa previa until now. But it's funny how life can render you totally immobile as it ushers its mighty blows. We must have a wee bit of energy if I am able to produce this post right now. Too bad, I've gotten sleepy as I type, so what do I do, just stop typing here and end with a fragment? Okay, that would be a bit strange. Surely I will at least get to the point of why I am here.

Today was the day I said, this must be done. Last night it was an allergic reaction that meant Ninja was itching for approximately 6 hours, with his medicine seeming like nothing more than water. I was tired, and worse, had to work this morning. He finally fell asleep around 2AM, as we were awakened around 4AM to loud, roaring, never ending thunder (oh, and thanks, God, that was fun), which meant he was up another hour and a half until it subsided. Another hour and a half later I was up to get dressed for work. I am usually back home around 1:30, with us napping by 2:30. Not today. He had been fussy all day, and had no intentions of stopping. After fighting for an hour and two vomiting spells, he finally gave me a 30 minute nap, only to wake grumpier than before. Still itching, he had bumps all over his face and under his neck. He was a monster. I was tired. And I was out of options. I spent the evening with a whining, crying baby, wondering why in the world it has had to be this way, counting down until his eyes were closed for the night. Well, sort of, he still wakes every two hours to nurse, or itch, or itch and nurse, but at least it would give me two hours to bang my head against the wall in peace.

So he is asleep now, and I feel lighter. I've made it through another day and pray to survive another night. I just wanted to post to be able to say that I accomplished something I wanted to do for a long time. I need that right now, the feeling of personal accomplishment. I also wanted any parents out there with preemies, spirited babies, babies with allergies or acid reflux, babies who do not sleep, to know YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

GOOD NIGHT!!! (and I look forward to more coherent posts in the near future)

~ Jordyn


  1. Well done, I couldn't have said it better. Glad you were able to get this started. I haven't been able to string together enough coherent thoughts to blog for a long long time. Hope this gives me a bit of inspiration to do so

  2. Even still, my thoughts are far from coherent. Its hard to think straight being so exhausted. And when you have a clear thoight you realize how fleeting it is when its gone by the time you write it ddown (or type it). Oh well, some other poor sleepless parent will certainly speak the language!
